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Deividas Ovsianikovas

Software Development Engineer

Tech enthusiast who likes building things :)

Ever since my curiosity about how video games work took hold of me at age 14 resulting in my first game, I've been non-stop studying software and its potential. |

Software Development Engineer

Amazon Web Services
L7 Platform - Load Balancing

Delivering software systems to simplifying customer operations and reducing team engineering time. Provide on-call support by addressing customer inquiries, monitoring alarms, and implementing issue resolutions while elevating key concerns for team discussions enhancing our operational excellence

guice Java EC2 ELB stepfns aws lambda apigateway cloudwatch


Software Development Engineer Intern

Amazon Web Services
L7 Console - Load Balancing

Took ownership of an internal full-stack observability application to be available for all Amazon employees and potentially save the company 10s of thousands of dollars.

aws lambda cloudfront apigateway cloudwatch elasticsearch s3 route53 cloudfront cloudfront



Maynooth University

BSc Computer Science & Software Engineering


  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Computer Networks
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Testing
  • Software Verification
  • Software Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Web Information Processing
  • Operating Systems, Communications, and Concurrency
  • UI & UX

Java javascript cloudfront php


nodejs npm react Jquery

Other tools

docker docker jira Firebase mysql mongodb postgreSQl wireshark restAPI Postman dafny Promela coqide putty


Freelance Game Developer


Created projects for clients based on their requirements and specifications. Managed communication, development, and hiring other freelancers.
Achieved a Level 2 Seller status by developing 100+ projects for clients all around the world

photon android ios oculus photoshop premierepro bootstrapstudio webgl trello xcode googlearCore googlearCore



Ramsgrange Community School

When my passion for tech started

unity3D blender vscode c# c# css